Wednesday, July 6, 2011

VLCD Day #22

Current Weight: 137.2 lbs. (-2.0)
Dose: 155iu (SQ)

Breakfast: Yerba Mate and Strawberries
Lunch: Crab Cakes and Tomato Soup (could only finish 1/2 of my lunch)
Dinner: Tilapia and Baked Onions
Snack: Roma

So the magnesium citrate must have done something as well as the detox bath I had last night. I was going all day but I think it was worth it. I FINALLY feel good in that department. I do, however, feel as though the detox bathes might be causing me to sweat down my hcg levels, causing more hunger. I have felt hungrier tonight than I have in a while. I did only eat half my lunch though.

I have realized that this blog might be helpful for nobody but me because my meals seem boring! But, in all honesty, this tilapia and baked onion dinner is really hitting the spot! (I am eating as I type). I am hoping to get some recipes put up as well so you can see exactly what I've been making.

I should really go study for my Physiology exam tomorrow. Have a good night!

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