Wednesday, July 13, 2011


100 grams lean ground beef (less than 7% fat)
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup water
1 Tbsp. minced onion
2 cloves garlic crushed and minced
Pinch of garlic powder
Pinch of onion powder
1/4 tsp. chili powder
Pinch of oregano
1 Tbsp. of green chilis
1 Packet of Stevia
Salt and pepper to taste

Brown ground beef in small frying pan, add onions and garlic. Stir in tomatoes, water and chili. Add spices and simmer slowly until liquid is reduced. The longer it cooks, the more tender and flavorful. Add a little water as needed to prevent burning. Serve with chopped green onion or tomato garnish and salt and pepper to taste.

Makes 1 serving (1 protein, 1 vegetable)

Credit for this recipe goes to Tammy Skye, the author of The HCG Dieter Gourmet Cookbook with alterations by myself.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great recipe. I added, instead of tomatoes to make the soup, Amore Tomato Paste out of the tube (has no sugar or additives) from Walmart too... I used the whole tube - 4.5 servings with only 5 carbs per serving (1 fiber, 4 sugars).. Also I added celery seed. Oh I made 4 servings at once though so multiplied the recipe by 4.

    Thanks for the this post.
