Thursday, September 8, 2011

Phase 4 - Day 1

Current Weight (LIW): 130.2 lbs. (+1.6)
From LIW: 2.6 lbs.

Breakfast: 1 Fried Egg White cooked in butter, Chocolate almond milk Protien Shake, 2 slices of an apple
Snack: Apple, couple bites of leftover steak
Lunch: Delicious homemade salad with veggies, deli meat, grilled chicken and Bolthouse Ranch
Snack: Precious Sticksters Colby Jack Cheese, Zevia RB, SF Chocolate Chip cookie
Dinner: 6 oz. grilled chicken, 2 cups fresh spinach with butter and vinegar, 1/4 a peach with cream and almond milk and Truvia

Total Calories: ~1200
Breakdown: 36.3% Fat/ 43.6% Protein/ 20% Carb

I know I've been MIA! I'm sorry... I went camping over Labor Day weekend and didn't have my laptop and I've been having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. But here I am, ready and raring to go!

Had a low calorie day today, mostly due to uninterest in any food in the kitchen. Don't get me wrong, I was having cravings but luckily, all the cravings were outside of the house! I can't tell you how much I wanted pizza or mexican food today.. it was killing me!! But luckily I got through the day pretty unscathed (as far as I know) and I'm hoping for a drop on the scale tomorrow. I am not too concerned about the gain today because yesterday I indulged and TOM FINALLY came to town. I had a preggo scare for a while there but he is finally her and although I'm relieved, I'm going to be honest and say I was a little excited about the possibility of baby #3...

Well, I'm sitting here sweating after my 35 minute detox bath and I'm falling asleep. I'd better go but I promise not to be a stranger anymore! COMMENT if anyone is reading this! :)


  1. Hi!
    can i ask a question?
    I'm feeling a bit discouraged-I'm losing very slowly..only.2 today..i didnt have big losses the first week either-I lost 4 inches total in about 5 days, and I measured myself again today one week later and it hasn't changed at all..I've lost about 7 lbs in 11 days. I'm following it to the letter-no wheat though, but getting my calories, not too much fruit, the right proteins, lots of water..not overexcersizing-I havent been regular, but have started taking CALM...any input? I gained .6 after eating 50 extra grams of protien the other day-I hate to whine, but I'm starting to feel a bit down about it..the inches really bothers me..I thought at these those would be going down..? Things that may be an issue..i have 1 tbs milk a day? My dose is about 160 now, but I'm feeling hungry again this morning..i was very hungry on energy is fine and all the rest.
    did you have any of these issues?

  2. Katie, I'm so glad I checked in and got to catch up on what you've been up to! Looks like you did really great on your camping trip and you didn't let TOM the best of you. Way to go! P4 has been um, shall I say, interesting for me ... I've been over LIW 6 out of the 14 days and have had to do correction days! P3 was a breeze and I did not expect this nonsense!! Meanwhile DH is 4 lbs UNDER LIW. Grrr, right?! Oh well, I get to start R2 next Saturday and I am just counting the days to a nice cold frozen margarita!! I'm not so excited about gorging, but it'll be nice to eat at the musical festival we're attending. I'm so ready to lose the next 20 lbs!! Take care hon :)


  3. Thanks for all the comments. Sorry I haven't been around to answer them!

    @Anonymous: I have had the very same frustrations. It seems as though you do everything right and the scale doesn't budge! Have you considered your hygiene products? Maybe there is an issue there? Or it could just be a typical stall that happens to everyone. Have you tried a detox bath? Sometimes those help me to get the scale moving. Also, if you are close to your goal, it's common not to see very high losses. Just keep going and you'll move past this bump in the road (if you haven't already). I'm sorry this comment is late!

    @Maria: Thanks for the sweet comments!! I am on VLCD 1 today and it went well. I have a little headache now, which didn't happen in R1 but I am using a different brand so maybe thats why. How is your R2 going? I need to find you on the forum. I have been looking for a good support group on there. If you know of one, let me know! Thanks for reading and especially thanks for your support! P3/P4 were both really tough on me, LOTS of correction days. That is what I'm hoping to avoid this next round. Anyway, talk to you soon!
